Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tis' what season?

This is a bit early, and that is the point. Also, if you are a Facebook friend I am stealing this from a post I put up today. I have added more ideas. I'm starting to hear people grumble about Christmas. ...already. I hear about how much it costs to buy gifts. How hard it is to travel to see family or to have family visit, and not wanting to put up with relatives and in-laws. I guess I am lucky, I don't have any money for gifts or to travel or to have guests. So all the stresses are gone and all I have left is to enjoy the music, the decorations and the holiday spirit. :-) ♥

But, seriously. To the early grumblers. So what if some of the decorations are up before Thanksgiving. No one is saying to skip the day. Have your turkey and enjoy it. Watch the Macy's parade, watch football. We get a little extra time to enjoy the decorations. The radio station we have set as the alarm on our clock radio, is the station that traditionally plays non stop Christmas music starting the day after Thanksgiving. We love it. The on air personality said that they have been receiving requests for Christmas music since the beginning of October. 

You're not Christian and don't want to be wished a Merry Christmas.? Please understand that it is meant to be a cheerful greeting. It is not meant to put you down and knock your religion, or lack there of. Try saying thank you. You can even say I don't celebrate Christmas but I hope you have a nice day. Why turn it into a battle? Here is an example, If someone wishes me a Happy Grunsday, do I get insulted and upset and yell at them for assuming that I share their holiday observance? No, I smile and say "Thank you, I don't observe Grunsday, but I hope you have a great day."  Or, better yet stop after the thank you and just wish them well.

Here is something that will not sit well with some of my friends, but let me explain. I have recently seen someone start with the request to keep Christ in Christmas. They don't want to hear Happy holidays or Seasons Greetings. Well, yes, I agree for when talking about Christmas, Jesus is the reason for the season. Not so much Santa Claus. Yes, yes, yes  But, this person was starting to get a little hot under the collar. I have quite a few non Christian friends. Hanukkah has been celebrated since before Christ. In fact I think he celebrated it with his family. Our Jewish friends have a right to celebrate their festival of lights. If anything, they had this time of year (season) first. Also I know a few Pagans. Their holiday is always going to be, and always has been the winter solstice. There has been discussion about weather Jesus was born in December. To the people who get angry at sharing the season, I just want to remind you that friction does not cause light, it causes heat. Let's all share the season of love and brotherhood. OK, are you mad at me? I'll move on.

Angry that you 'have to' buy gifts? How about you 'get to' show people how much you appreciate them in your life. Go smaller or home made on gifts. If that will make someone mad at you, maybe they don't deserve a gift after all. Yes, I know there is much more to it then that. If you don't want to spend time with people you don't get along with. Set a time limit for your visit. If you live near your loved ones, spend a few hours, then go home. If you are visiting another city for a few days, make time to do things apart from the hosts, sight see, shop. Chances are they might welcome the time to finish up a few last minute things. But also think about the fact that you have people in your life, many people are alone in the world. Remind yourself that it will all pass quickly and some day these people may be gone from your life. Maybe try getting the family together to go serve at a shelter or even go caroling. It's hard to argue with an idiot relative when your singing.

I wish you all a holiday season, or what ever phrase lets you know that I wish it to be filled with warmth and the spirit of brotherhood.

Peace, Joy, Love, Happiness ... and a great Grunsday to all

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