Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Wednesday morning.

Today I went to the restaurant were the Toastmasters meeting was to be held. I got to the door and saw a sign."Closed for maintenance". I had not received an answer to my e-mail requesting information about the group. I just thought that was because I wrote over the holiday weekend, so I would just show up. Well, that was just a good practice run. I will try again next week. I am still excited about giving this a try. It was really nice to get up and get dressed as if I were going to a job. Usually I dress in jeans and casual shirts. Shoes are for going outside. So anyway, it was 7:00am and daily Church doesn't start until 8:30. I didn't want to go home then back out.

I don't like to come and go too much, not only because of gas, but I also don't like to upset the dog. I know that might seem ridiculous, but  I know he is spoiled. Even though we are almost six years from LasVegas he still protects and guards me. When we leave the house we put the TV on, usually HGTV because it rarely has any yelling or gun shots or sirens. We also leave him some milk bones on his bed. keep in mind, he has a dog bed, a blanket and his teddy bear. he also has his Halloween costume. It is a bunch of grapes made out of a smooth satiny fabric, he claimed it as a pillow before I got a chance to put it away. If he isn't comfortable there he gets up on our bed. On warm days the fan is on, On hot days the A/C.  He is fine, but once in a while he will howl. That isn't too popular with some of the neighbors. The neighbors directly next door will just come to the window and quiet him down. But as I was saying, I don't like to come and go. He is so happy when someone comes home, and it seems his heart will break when we leave.

Back to what I was doing. I hadn't eaten breakfast because I figured I would get something at the meeting. We have a cute little coffee shop in the heart of town. It is called "The Sugar Plum". They are only open for breakfast and lunch and are very popular with the biker crowd. Before I was even sitting down hot coffee was already poured. I ordered oatmeal. It was served with add-ons. Little containers held brown sugar, raisins, milk and butter. I took it easy on those, besides I like oatmeal plain. The waitress found me a newspaper someone left behind. I was sad to miss the Toastmaster meeting, but had a warm and cozy home style breakfast. I finished in time to go down a couple blocks to church. The priest who normally does the week day mass, Fr Peter,  is on vacation. Fr Mike took the opportunity to recruit people to assist as readers. Guess who? Me! I told him that I would love to, but I can't commit since I am hoping to go back to work at any time. Even though we agreed that would be a good thing, he asked me to be there early on Friday. I guess that means no argument. Even though it is not a job, I am happy to be needed.

Peace, Joy and Love.

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