Friday, September 9, 2011

Should I have seen it comming?

Considering yesterday, maybe I should have seen today's events coming. First of I had another night of poor sleep. Losing sleep does not fix anything. But tell my subconscious that. i got up nice and early, checked my e-mail and such. I went back into the bedroom and got Paul up for work. I got dressed, and pooped out. I never made it to church even though I told Fr. Mike I would be there early. I will apologize to him Sunday , if not ,Monday. I wonder if there is a study about women who are past menopause still having a monthly cycle? I swear I still have the emotional part.It doesn't help that I put back on the weight that I lost. I still do not have a job and my unemployment benefits ended. But as they say, when you reach bottom they only way is up.

I spent part of today watching TV. I found some shows about paranormal activity, one of my favorite subject of interest. They ran a few episodes of people relaying their personal experiences with the unknown. This was followed by several episodes of a show about a group that goes around trying to find out if certain videos, sighting and hauntings are real or fake. They are just as happy if the disprove as if they are stumped. I like that . I would be happy if I could work as a parapsychologist. Combine that with my love of public speaking and I would be very happy. I'll tell my ghost stories some time next month.

Paul and I have no real plans for the weekend. We used the gift card he won at the church fair to go out to dinner. We ate outside on the patio across the street from the park. we then walked through the park, watching people and kids playing, then went to get ice cream. Note- Baskin Robbins 31 flavor of the month, not worth it. French toast flavor, nice try but I prefer the real thing. Being on a date with my husband brought peace to my heart. I am happily in love.

Peace, Joy and Love to you all

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