Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I should listen to my own advice.

Hello, my dear ones. Things are still the same, but they seem to be better. I made it to Toastmasters today. I loved it. I plan to go back as long as they will let me without paying. I need visualize and manifest $57.75 to be official. I got a great quote. A lady named Pam said she always tells her type A personality husband "You can be happy in the same pair of pants you got mad in." That is so right. In any situation you can laugh or you can cry, your choice. I choose to laugh. I was chosen to tell a story that involved laughter. I combined two stories about my Mom. One involving the nurses in the care center she lived in and another involving how much she loved Paul. It went well, but I was advised I had a few ums and ahs.

I talked to the ladies at the agency from where I have been placed in the past. First is the receptionist, Lorraine. I refer to myself as  The Other Lorraine. Today I said I was the long lost other Lorraine. She was happy to hear from me. She was trying to find someone for a dispatcher opening. Unfortunately the person would have to have a background in interstate trucking. I told her I had dated a couple of truckers, did that help? Unfortunately not. She put me through to Dianne. To her I said I was back like a lucky penny. I know the saying is a bad penny, but I told her I was a lucky one.We have a joke between us. I don't remember the full origin but it has to do with not working in the summer so to be able to lay out by the pool. Somehow a cute cabana boy came into the story. I had a little teddy bear that is wearing tropical print board shorts. I gave it to her and called it the cabana boy. She still has him. She was looking to fill a position in IT but it was a little bit beyond my level. They both said that business is picking up and they are glad to have me back. Dianne sent me a few skills test to complete. I have teased her in the past that their company is the only place I know of that does and old fashioned typing test. No one types from print copy anymore. I told her about the regular typewriter I saw at the historical society, that it is a historical artifact.

So, here I am listening to my own advice. Step back, breathe and be happy. Things are still scary. They may even get scarier. But if I focus on the task at hand, learn to set goals, move forward step by step with a good attitude and be happy with where I am, be happy where I'm heading I will have a happily ever after.

A happy ever after to you all too. ( On our original wedding cake  was written "Paul and Lori.... They lived happily ever after.)

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